Sparkler Filters Inc.® has been manufacturing high quality filtration products for over three quarters of a century. Many used equipment dealers throughout the world offer Sparkler Filters® which have been acquired on the open market from a variety of sources. Sparkler® is offering 'buyer assistance' to prospective buyers of used filters.
You may be considering the purchase of a used filter. Used filters are sold where is and as is. Often times the only information offered by the seller of the used equipment are the serial number and perhaps the type of construction material used to fabricate the filter. These filters may pass through several hands being sold and resold before they find their way to you. The purchase history is often obscured.
Quite often the required ASME stamp and/or National Board Number may be missing. To place a pressure rated vessel into service without an ASME U Stamp and National Board Number is a violation of many states laws and may subject the owner of the filter to numerous liabilities and severe penalties or fines. Insurance policy renewals may be affected.
The age of the filter is often misstated or even unknown. As an example I received a request for parts for a used filter that had been built in 1947. The particular design was obsolete and I could not furnish parts because our file did not contain adequate drawings. The customer was stuck with an old filter best used as a door stop.
The prospective buyer of a used filter, especially if he has no prior filtration experience, may be purchasing a product that will require thousands of dollars to repair it. It also leaves the prospective buyer with few options for service and technical assistance.
We at Sparkler Filters® would like to offer our assistance with your used filter purchase. Sparkler Filters Inc.® offers a program to take some of the risk out of purchasing a used filter. Sparkler® will conduct a virtual inspection of the filter from photographs submitted by you or the dealer of the tank, cover and cartridge.
The following photographs must be provided-
- Tank exterior with cover in place and swing bolted
- Interior of tank and cover with cartridge removed
- Cartridge photo taken as a side view of the cartridge
- Top of the assembled cartridge bundle showing the top plate clearly
*These photographs should be high quality, well lighted and capture a good representation of the filter. Poor quality photographs will prevent us from making a meaningful virtual inspection.
If the virtual inspection shows a possibility of a viable filter choice then you may elect to have the filter shipped to us for an in-house inspection. The virtual inspection and in-house inspection can also be applied towards re-certification. Re-certification allows Sparkler® to provide you with additional documentation and support.
*The filter must arrive at our facility pre-cleaned and ready for inspection. Should a dirty filter arrive we reserve the right to refuse inspection of the filter until it has been properly cleaned and deemed contaminate free, or a cleaning charge assessed dependent upon initial observation. In cases of severe contamination Sparkler® reserves the right to refuse inspection and it will be shipped to the customer freight collect.
*Under all conditions the person ordering the filter inspection would be responsible for freight both ways.
Once the filter is deemed clean and contaminant free we will inspect the filter and provide a written inspection report suggesting any repairs and replacement parts necessary to refurbish the filter to operate safely and effectively in your application.